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Resin Types & Further Information

At Water Filtration Ireland we have a wide range of different filter medias & resins available in stock to ship, whether you need it in small or large quantities. It can be daunting going through all the variations on offer, please see brief synopsis of our most popular products below however please get in contact to have your water issues solved.


SOFTENING RESIN (Hardness only)
PC002 water softener resin. This resin is suitable for municipal/council water supplies where water hardness is the only parameter that needs to be corrected. One of the most common issues with water is water hardness. When you treat hard water it prevents limescale and ensures a longer life from items such as dishwashers, washing machines, showers and boilers. Adding on to the many benefits of softened water, it also helps to reduce heating bills, results in softer laundry and soap that lathers much easier. The resin is made up of tiny beads which are positively charged with sodium ions. The calcium and magnesium ions contained in calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate are negatively charged. Just like a magnet, the positive resin beads attract the negative calcium and magnesium ions. In return, the sodium ion is deposited to the carbonate, because “opposites attract.” What you are left with is sodium carbonate in the water which does not cause limescale and gives you softer water.


ECOMIX (Available in Ecomix A, B & C) (Primerly for Hardness, Iron & Manganese treatment)
Ecomix is one of the most popular all around resins. Ecomix is a unique blend of five different filter medias that provides an all-in-one treatment for the removal of iron, manganese, ammonia, organic matter and water hardness and it’s effective over a wide range of operating conditions. Two of the ingredients, FerroSorb and HumiSorb are unique to Ecomix, providing a highly effective method of treatment for problem water, but it doesn’t just end there. Ecomix has other ingredients including an inert layer for treating oxidised iron, cation exchange resin for softening water, and quartz sand for ensuring uniform flow across the vessel.


FILTER-AG and FILTER-AG PLUS (Sediment filtration etc.)
Filter Ag Plus is great for removing the following from the water; suspended irons, organic matter, silt & dirt. It’s an all-natural, environmentally safe product, that has a surface area one hundred times greater than silica sand, resulting in better filtration. Compared to normal sand filters, filter-Ag Plus’ rough surface and internal porosity allow for much longer and more effective filter runs and a high capacity for sediment loading. This reduces backwash frequency and conserves water. Filter-Ag can filter 20 micron and Filter-Ag+ can filter to 5 micron.

JURAPERLE (Corrects pH between 5.5 - 7.0)
Next is Juraperle. This filter media is great for treating water with Low pH levels, iron, manganese, and CO2 removal. Juraperle is a sacrificial granular media for correcting the pH level of low pH water. Primarily made up of calcium carbonate, Juraperle dissolves into the water supply, naturally lifting the pH level in the water. Juraperle can also aid in the removal of iron and manganese due to the oxidation process. This iron and manganese needs to be removed from the media, which can be done via a backwash process performed every day. By removing the iron and manganese from the media, Juraperle remains capable of dissolving into the water.


SEMIDOL (Corrects pH below 5.5)
Semidol is a simple media, designed to correct low pH levels in acidic water quickly. It’s particularly effective when used to treat very low pH levels in water. Seimdol reacts neutrally during the water treatment process, which means it does not interfere with other medias and causes no problems during the switch over process. Semidol is commonly used to treat low pH in water for drinking, swimming pools and industrial processes.

DE-ALK RESIN (Corrects pH between 6.8 and 7.2)
This resin is a macro-porous weak acid cation exchange resin and is used for dealkalisation and deionization in water. This resin is for simplex and duplex water systems only and used to help with pH correction. Water must be within a pH of 6.8 – 7.2 to be optimal for human consumption. pH levels outside of these levels can also cause corrosion to pipes (often seen as a blue/green stain).


PYROLOX (Iron, Manganese and Hydrogen sulphide)
Pyrolox is a long-standing water filtration media, on the market approx. 75 years. It is effective at reducing iron, manganese and hydrogen sulphide in problem waters. It eliminates them by a process known as oxidisation. Particulates from the oxidised iron, manganese and hydrogen sulphide become trapped in the media and are then removed from the system during a backwash cycle.


DE-MINERALISING RESIN (For pure water applications)
De-Min Resin is a high-capacity mixed bed ion exchange resin, for direct water purification and demineralization. Typically this resin is used as a polishing stage for very sensitive applications. This resin is used for water purification, demineralization (also referred to as deioniSation), refining water for a range of appliances and offers efficient high silica removal. Demineralization is typically described as the removal of all cations (e.g. calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and other heavy metals) and anions (e.g. bicarbonate alkalinity, chloride, sulfate, nitrate, silica and CO2) from a solution in exchange for H+ and OH- ions. This reduces the total dissolved solids in the solution. This is required for many sensitive processes, such as high-pressure boiler operation, food and pharmaceutical application, and electronics production, so this is a pretty important resin and very useful.


Nitrates are highly soluble in water and at high enough levels can cause health problems. Our Nitrate removal resin can control the levels of nitrates to ensure it is safe to drink. Nitrates are commonly found in places near farms, golf courses, wastewater disposal sites, landfills, livestock facilities and crop fields.


BIRM (Iron and Manganese treatment)
This is an efficient and economical media, that can tackle and dissolve iron and manganese compounds in your water. There are a lot of advantages to this media such as long material life with relatively low attrition loss, a wide temperature performance range and extremely high removal efficiency. Birm filter media is easily cleaned by backwashing to remove the precipitant and it’s not consumed in the iron removal operation. Birm offers a tremendous economic advantage over many other iron removal methods. This particular media can be used pretty much anywhere, including a gravity fed or pressurised water treatment system.


Carbon filtration is ideally suited for the removal of oxidizing agents such as chlorine and ozone from water. This media is a high activity granular activated carbon, manufactured by steam activation from select coconut shell charcoal. It can be used for the following; reducing chlorine, improving taste, eliminating odours and reducing dissolved organics. Another important feature of this material is its superior mechanical hardness and the extensive “dedusting” during its manufacture which ensures an exceptionally clean activated carbon product.


The next media up that is also manufactured by steam activation of select coconut shell charcoal, is AquaSorb® CX-MCA. The catalytic activity of this activated carbon makes it highly effective for the removal of chloramines and hydrogen sulphide from potable water. AquaSorb® CX-MCA can be used for eliminating hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg smell), chlorine reduction, chloramine reduction and removal of dissolved organics.


This is ideal as a pre-treatment for UV disinfection and removes tannin and colour from water. What we mean by this is water that contains things like plant and animal matter as well as sediment, all of which can cause water to appear “stained” or coloured; typically a brown, green or yellow. Evidently, this can sometimes result in undesirable contaminants present in the water as well as giving it a simply unappealing colour. In almost all instances, you’ll want to treat the tannin to ensure it does not interfere with the final product produced; whether that’s drinking water, food and beverage production or items and products created commercially and industrially. Coloured water can also be an indicator that other contaminants are present in the water that can be harmful, such as iron, manganese and sediment.


If you got this far then you’ll be aware that we offer a wide range of products and can help you with pretty much any water concerns that you have. You can get in touch and talk to our sales staff about the full range of products we offer. If you’d like to discuss your water treatment requirements, or you’re a water treatment engineer, contractor or installer, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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